Members: Brian Mutch (Chair), Maz Cruz (Vice Chair), Frank Trzaska, Elio Ficarella, Irene Hyer, Tony Nemirovsky, Don Jauch
Community members with any questions can contact us by emailing to:
The Oversight’s Committee purpose is to monitor and ensure the association’s compliance with applicable state and local laws, and governing documents. The Oversight Committee has no administrative authority over the BoD. The Oversight Committee (OSC) has a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 members. Terms are 3 years and shall be staggered so that two to three members are appointed every year. Committee members shall be appointed in the documented order in which they volunteered. The BoD shall not deny membership to an eligible person without verifiable cause. The OSC shall be provided with a budget sufficient to call a maximum of two SMMs in a fiscal year.
Meetings will be held every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm, location: Clubhouse on the following dates: Dec. 17, Jan 21, Feb. 18, Mar. 18, Apr. 15, May 20